DefaultController :: defaultAction


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        <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
        <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
        <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
        <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
        <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
        <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
        <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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        <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
        <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
        <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
        <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
        <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
        <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
        <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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          <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
          <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
          <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
          <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
          <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
          <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
          <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
          <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
          <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
          <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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          <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
          <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
          <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
          <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
          <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
          <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
          <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
          <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
          <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
          <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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        <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
        <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
        <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
        <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
        <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
        <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
        <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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        <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
        <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
        <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
        <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
        <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
        <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
        <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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"Drag an author here"

AcademyController :: renderRelatedArticleAction (token = 3cfddf)

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        <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
        <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
        <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
        <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
        <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
        <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
        <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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        <h2>What is a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is the process of what happens to make something undone, done. It’s the process of the flow of information, or the physical things that need to happen to complete a task.</p>\n
        <p>Some workflows are rigid, where there is one agreed path of activities that need to happen, often these are called process workflows, where the activity is predictable. Flexible workflows are usually more flexible, and the next stage in the flow is dependant on the outcome of another stage. These types of workflow are more complex but having a designed flow can increase the chances of a successful outcome.</p>\n
        <h2>Can’t I just use a checklist?</h2>\n
        <p>A workflow is quite different to a checklist, as it gives a specific order and you can make each step conditional on what has happened before. A workflow is also around one topic, where checklists can be used for a variety of projects that aren’t connected. A workflow gives a clear picture for whoever is responsible for the process or project, allowing them to collaborate with others and have a clear understanding of their progress and what to do next.</p>\n
        <h2>How do I build a workflow?</h2>\n
        <p>A great place to start is to look for a template if it is a common task such as onboarding a new employee. A more complex project such as a clinic refurbishment will be very dependent on where you are starting and what you want to achieve so a bespoke workflow should be created.</p>\n
        <p>Our platform has a workflow tool available. It has a wide choice of common templates that you can use and amend or you can even create a custom one from scratch. The tool allows you to assign certain activities to an individual in your team, so that people are clear on their role in complex activities that require a number of people to complete.</p>\n
        <h2>What are the big advantages of using workflows?</h2>\n
        <p>They will allow you to think through a project before committing time and resources, and allow you to fully explore what you could do and the impact it may have. It will then serve as a plan for the team to follow, giving them structure and being able to understand how they are progressing. The workflow can then be used again, or refined and improved upon as you learn from new projects or processes. All of this adds value to your business as you document and establish your processes and approach to running and growing your business.</p>\n
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"Drag an article here"

DefaultController :: defaultAction (token = 8e3c68)

Key Value
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